ETM The Podcast - Ep 12: The Case for Modern Band

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Modern band can be a tremendously popular and educational music offering, especially for a school that is starting a new music program. To prove this, we look no further than...
mostra másFor nearly 40 years, All Hallows lacked a formal music program and in the short span of two years, the band has risen to perform at venues such as Yankee Stadium, PAC NYC, and countless venues throughout its community. In this episode, we sit down with the students, alongside teacher Alfredo Hernandez and school leaders Paul Fontana and Principal Nick Corrado, to discuss the role that music education has played in shaping the school community and building a sense of brotherhood. Tune in to learn about the band's evolution from inexperienced newcomers to performers that continue to push themselves to greater heights.
Autor | Education Through Music |
Organización | Joshua Feinberg |
Página web | - |
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