#FantasySeries Discussion of Envy (Fallen Angels #3) | Book Chat

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Ep 385
Joining Tamara for this roundtable read-along discussion are two of her book nerd friend Casey from Heart Full of Ink.
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1. Get the details of the read-along here: http://www.shelfaddiction.com/read-along.html
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Find Tamara on Twitter | https://twitter.com/ShelfAddiction
Find Casey on Twitter | https://twitter.com/DustMiteBunny
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Produced with GarageBand
This is a list of my frequently used music. Some or all may appear in this Shelf Addiction Podcast episode.
-Ad Music | Sweet Success on Purple Planet is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://www.purple-planet.com/upbeat/4593380163
-Ad Music | Beats Like Mine by Sugar Blizz - Royalty Free music via Epidemic Sound/Spreaker
-Ad Music | High Hopes (Do U Feel the Same) (Instrumental Version)High Hopes (Do U Feel the Same) (Instrumental Version) - Royalty Free music via Epidemic Sound/Spreaker
-Shelf Addiction Intro/Outro Music created by Samone Ward
-Background Intro/Transition/Outro Music 1 | From album Music for Podcasts 4, Southside by Lee Rosevere and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
-Background Intro/Outro Music 2 | In Private by Gunner Johnsen - Royalty Free music via Epidemic Sound/Spreaker
-Transition Music | From album Creative Commons Vol 2, Summers Coming by Dexter Britain and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Artist: Artist: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere/Music_for_Podcasts_4/
-Lightning Round Music | Zencastr standard background music -- licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
FTC Disclaimer: The show notes may contain affiliate and/or referral links. I receive a small commission if you purchase using my link(s). If you purchase using my link(s), you will be supporting the Shelf Addiction website and podcast. This is NOT a sponsored podcast. All opinions are genuinely my own.
**This audio podcast shall not be reproduced, sampled or uploaded elsewhere without my written consent.
Autor | Nerdy Maven Podcast Network |
Organización | Nerdy Maven Podcast Network |
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