Fiction Publicity Campaigns: Open Book with Publicity Manager Andrea Kiliany Thatcher

8 de ago. de 2022 · 19m 41s
Fiction Publicity Campaigns: Open Book with Publicity Manager Andrea Kiliany Thatcher

Smith Publicity's Manager for the Arts & Entertainment team, Andrea Kiliany Thatcher, discusses the logistics of and angles for fiction campaigns on our new Open Book series. Learn a bit...

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Smith Publicity's Manager for the Arts & Entertainment team, Andrea Kiliany Thatcher, discusses the logistics of and angles for fiction campaigns on our new Open Book series. Learn a bit about the differences between fiction and non-fiction publicity and what success can look like for your novel by tuning in!

The Open Book series airs on a monthly basis and includes brief interviews with Smith Publicity employees. Each episode will offer an inside look into book marketing and publicity, as well as tips for publishing professionals and authors alike. Keep an eye out for more!

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Organización Smith Publicity
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