Fightlete Podcast Dec13th w UFC Milwaukee Mike Rodriguez, JoseShortyTorres, Alesha Zappitella, Russel Mizuguchi, Toby Misech, Naiona Dung

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@1:30 Former UFC Flyweight Jose "Shorty" Torres is on to talk about the possible ending of UFC Flyweight Division and being released from the promotion. He also talks bout cornering...
mostra más@31:33 Hawaii Flyweight Pro Russel Mizuguchi joins me to talk about his fight against Michael Nakagawa at Bellator 213 Prelims Saturday Dec 15th from Honolulu, Hawaii on DAZN. He is 4-0 training at BossMMA.
@46:35 UFC Light-Heavyweight Mike Rodriguez talks about his fight against Adam Milstead at UFC Fight Night Milwaukee Prelims December 15th on UFC Fight Pass. He trains at Lauzon MMA in Boston and is 9-3.
@1:02:00 Hawaii Featherweight Toby "2 Quick" Misech talks about his fight against Edward Thomes at Bellator 212 Prelims
@1:12:30 Michigan Women's Atomweight Alesha Zappitella talka bout her upcoming fight against Amber Brown at Invicta 33 Sat Dec 15th on UFC Fight Pass
@1:26:25 Hawaiian Lightweight Naiona Dung talka bout his fight against Kona Oliveira at Bellator 213 Saturday December 15th on DAZN. He talks about training w Henri Hooft at Combat Club in Palm Beach County in FL.
Autor | Sean Lennon |
Organización | Sean Lennon |
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