
FireCast - I Hope They Take Your Job! - #137

9 de dic. de 2024 · 46m 41s
FireCast - I Hope They Take Your Job! - #137

FireCast - I Hope They Take Your Job! - #137  Our first technical difficulty in TWO YEARS! We apologise for the shorter episode this week FireCast crew! We have lost...

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FireCast - I Hope They Take Your Job! - #137

 Our first technical difficulty in TWO YEARS! We apologise for the shorter episode this week FireCast crew! We have lost the first 40 minutes worth of audio so decided to just leave you with the good quality audio that works! All speakpipes will be revisited next week,

♕ USE CODE "GRIPDEAL10" : https://www.hydrogrip.com.au/

10% of sales goes to the Sydney's children's hospital!


 🟢 KICK LIVE STREAMS : https://kick.com/firecast-tjm

♖ Want to make the weekly playlist?:


✵ Submit your music: https://tripjacketmafia.com.au/

📣 Want to be heard on the show?: https://www.speakpipe.com/FireCast


FriendlyFire : https://www.instagram.com/friendlyfire.tjm/

 DZ : https://www.instagram.com/dz.tjm/


☕️ Buy the panel a coffee ! : https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/firecast--4776221/support https://

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Autor Ignacio Zardain
Organización Ignacio Zardain
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