Five Mexican Men Are Abducted By A Cartel And Forced To Execute Each Other (8/19/23)

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Five Mexican Men Are Abducted By A Cartel And Forced To Execute Each Other (8/19/23)
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In a throw back to the days of the Zeta's it would seem that CJNG is taking a page out of their playbook and forcing abductees to kill one another...
mostra másThis news comes as it was reported that five young Mexican men were abducted, allegedly by CJNG and, and tortured, all while the video camera was running. Not only that, they made the friends kill each other according to reports.
In this episode, we dive into the story and see what went down.
(commercial at 8:00)
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5 students beaten, murdered by Mexican cartel in horrifically graphic video were lured by job offer: report | Fox News
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