

13 de sep. de 2023 · 45m 36s

We talked about mosquitoes in our episode on heartworm and ticks in the episode on Lyme, so to round out the big three bloodsuckers, today we talk about fleas –...

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We talked about mosquitoes in our episode on heartworm and ticks in the episode on Lyme, so to round out the big three bloodsuckers, today we talk about fleas – how your pet gets them, how to get rid of them, and how to keep them from showing up in the first place.

Questions about Cat Scratch Disease? Use the links below to learn more:

American Academy of Family Physicians: Cat-scratch Disease

Centers for Disease Control: Cat Scratch Disease

Wisconsin Department of Health Services: Cat-Scratch Disease (CSD)
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Organización Autumn Mentink
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