Florida Man Friday | 13-Year-Old Found Murdered in an Apartment Shed, Serial Offender to Blame | Jerry Dorisme

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Florida Man Friday | 13-Year-Old Found Murdered in an Apartment Shed, Serial Offender to Blame | Jerry Dorisme
In today's Florida Man Friday true crime story, we delve into the case of 13-year-old Rose Dieujuste, who was found barely alive in a utility closet after being brutally attacked....
mostra másThe investigation revealed a shocking sequence of events that led them to arrest of 28-year-old Jerry Dorisme, an undocumented immigrant from Haiti who had a disturbing history of violence and sexual offenses.
Despite his violent past, Jerry was repeatedly released, raising serious questions about the justice system's handling of his case.
Poll: Do you think this murder is on the hands of Orange County, Florida's justice system? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below
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