Following Up: Richin's Gets 30 Days In The Hole And The Trial Of Logan Clegg (10/20/23)

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Following Up: Richin's Gets 30 Days In The Hole And The Trial Of Logan Clegg (10/20/23)
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Stephen and Wendy Reid were a retired couple who lived in Concord. They both loved the outdoors and enjoyed taking hikes on their favorite trail. It was on one of...
mostra másIt was on one of these hikes when disaster struck. According to authorities, the couple were murdered in cold blood, but an unknown suspect. Their murder set off a manhunt in the typically quiet town of Concord and eventually it led to a suspect named Logan Clegg.
After several weeks of testimony at his trial however, many questions still remain.
In our second article we are heading back to Utah to check in on Kouri Richins who, we are now learning, has been slapped with a 30 day stint in the hole due to her alleged attempts at witness tampering.
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Utah Mom Accused of Murdering Husband with Fentanyl Gets 30 Days in Lockdown for ‘Letter’ Found in Jail Cell - The Messenger
Logan Clegg Double-Murder Case Goes To Jury in Concord -
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