Fr. Peter Stravinskas Speaks on the Master of Education in Catholic School Administration at Pontifex University (January 11, 2021)

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In this episode of The Two Wings Seminar, Fr. Peter Stravinskas Speaks on the Master of Education in Catholic School Administration at Pontifex University (January 11, 2021) The Master's of...
mostra másThe Master's of Education in Catholic School Administration is a program conceived by the Catholic Education Foundation in conversation with Pontifex University, and is specifically geared toward current or aspiring Catholic school leaders; it is thoroughly professional in its demands, inclusive of all normal requirements, accredited, and unabashedly Catholic in its outlook. Course work is done on-line, in addition to a one week summer session, so as not to ignore the invaluable dimension of personal influence in the pedagogical enterprise.
Autor | WCAT Radio |
Organización | WCAT Radio |
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