
From Solo Struggle to Team Triumph: An Office Tale

10 de sep. de 2024 · 16m 9s
From Solo Struggle to Team Triumph: An Office Tale

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 22s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: From Solo Struggle to Team Triumph: An Office Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd y swyddfa yn...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: From Solo Struggle to Team Triumph: An Office Tale
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Roedd y swyddfa yn llawn o syniadau.
En: The office was full of ideas.

Cy: Roedd yr haul yn tywynnu trwy ffenestri mawr, llawn lliwiau'r hydref.
En: The sun was shining through large windows, filled with the colors of autumn.

Cy: Roedd Cerys yn eistedd wrth ei desg, yn edrych dros y cynlluniau lansio ar gyfer eu ap newydd.
En: Cerys was sitting at her desk, looking over the launch plans for their new app.

Cy: Roedd y synau o dipian allweddi a sibrydion cyffrous yn llenwi'r ystafell.
En: The sounds of tapping keys and excited whispers filled the room.

Cy: Ond nad oedd popeth mor wych ag yr ymddangosai.
En: But not everything was as great as it seemed.

Cy: Roedd gwrid coch ar wyneb Cerys - nid yn unig oherwydd y syniad busnes newydd, ond oherwydd pryder cudd na allai rannu ag unrhyw un.
En: There was a red blush on Cerys's face — not only because of the new business idea, but because of a hidden anxiety she couldn't share with anyone.

Cy: Gwyn, ei ffrind gorau a datblygwr meddalwedd brwdfrydig, edrychodd ar Cerys o'i gornel ei hun.
En: Gwyn, her best friend and an enthusiastic software developer, looked over at Cerys from his own corner.

Cy: Roedd wedi sylwi ar y blerwed ar ei gwegil, a diffyg egni yn ei throedigaith.
En: He had noticed the paleness in her cheeks and the lack of energy in her movements.

Cy: Roedd yn amau bod rhywbeth o'i le.
En: He suspected something was wrong.

Cy: “Cerys, ti’n iawn?
En: "Cerys, are you alright?"

Cy: ” gofynnodd Gwyn, yn ceisio swn yn anffurfiol.
En: Gwyn asked, trying to sound casual.

Cy: “Ydw, dim ond wedi fy llethu gan y gwaith,” ymatebodd hi gyda gwên wan.
En: "Yes, I'm just overwhelmed with work," she responded with a faint smile.

Cy: Ond nid oedd Gwyn yn dwp.
En: But Gwyn wasn't fooled.

Cy: Gwelodd yr effaith a oedd y straen yn ei gymryd arni.
En: He saw the toll the stress was taking on her.

Cy: Gwyddai bod y presennol lan gerllaw, a bod Cerys yn ceisio ymdopi ar ei phen ei hun.
En: He knew the presentation was near, and that Cerys was trying to cope by herself.

Cy: Y diwrnod cyn y cyflwyniad mawr, roedd Cerys yn poeni fwyaf.
En: The day before the big presentation, Cerys was at her most worried.

Cy: Roedd ei phapurau wedi’u lledaenu ar ei desg, a’i llygaid yn caeadau.
En: Her papers were spread across her desk, and her eyes were heavy.

Cy: Roedd ei chorff yn dechrau gwrthryfela – pen tost, a diffyg ffocws.
En: Her body was starting to rebel — headaches and a lack of focus.

Cy: Ond roedd yn benderfynol o beidio siomi ei thîm nac orffen gyda unrhyw gyfaddawd.
En: But she was determined not to disappoint her team or settle for anything less.

Cy: Y diwrnod mawr, wrth i'r ffeinal ymgynnull, sylweddolodd Cerys ei bod hi wedi rhoi gormod o straen arni hi'n hun.
En: On the big day, as the final gathering began, Cerys realized she had put too much strain on herself.

Cy: Collodd ymwybyddiaeth.
En: She lost consciousness.

Cy: Roedd Gwyn wrth ei gwynt.
En: Gwyn was right by her side.

Cy: Pan ddaeth hi ati hi’n ffwrdd, roedd Gwyn wedi meddiannu'r llwyfan.
En: When she came to, Gwyn had taken the stage.

Cy: Roedd yn arwain y tîm fel pe bai wedi paratoi am yr eiliad ar hyd ei fywyd.
En: He was leading the team as if he had prepared for this moment all his life.

Cy: Gwelodd pobl pa mor hynod oedd y cynnyrch, ond hefyd pa mor ystyriol oedd Gwyn.
En: People saw not only how remarkable the product was but also how considerate Gwyn was.

Cy: Ar ôl y cyflwyniad, gyda Cerys dal yn adfer, roedd rhaid iddi wynebu gwirionedd.
En: After the presentation, with Cerys still recovering, she had to face the truth.

Cy: Roedd Gwyn eisoes yno, gyda gwên garedig.
En: Gwyn was already there, with a kind smile.

Cy: “Rydw i’n gwybod am dy gyflwr, Cerys.
En: "I know about your condition, Cerys.

Cy: Rydw i yma i dy helpu.
En: I'm here to help you.

Cy: Ni fydd rhaid i ti wneud hyn ar ben dy hun.
En: You won’t have to do this alone."

Cy: ”Dechreuodd Cerys bledio ei bod wedi bod yn ffôl wrth geisio cuddio ei chyflwr.
En: Cerys began to acknowledge that she had been foolish in trying to hide her condition.

Cy: Fel hynny, gwnaeth hi benderfyniad newydd.
En: With that, she made a new decision.

Cy: Byddai hi o hyn ymlaen yn rhannu’r baich, yn darganfod cryfder mewn help ac mewn ffrindiau.
En: From then on, she would share the burden, finding strength in help and in friends.

Cy: Ac felly, gyda gwên ddewr a theimlad newydd o ryddhad, gwnaeth hi benderfynu wynebu'r dyfodol gyda thîm a oedd yn unedig ac yn barod i ddal ei gilydd i fyny.
En: And so, with a brave smile and a new feeling of relief, she decided to face the future with a team that was united and ready to support each other.

Cy: Roedd eu ap hefyd yn barod i goncro’r byd, gydag ymdrech ar y cyd a chalon agored.
En: Their app was also ready to conquer the world, with joint effort and open hearts.

Vocabulary Words:
  • shining: tywynnu
  • anxiety: pryder
  • suspected: amau
  • overwhelmed: llethu
  • toll: effaith
  • cope: ymdopi
  • rebelling: gwrthryfela
  • headaches: pen tost
  • strain: straen
  • consciousness: ymwybyddiaeth
  • considerate: ystyriol
  • remarkable: hynod
  • acknowledge: bledio
  • foolish: ffôl
  • burden: baich
  • strength: crydfder
  • relief: rhyddhad
  • united: unedig
  • support: cymorth
  • conquer: concro
  • effort: ymdrech
  • launch: lansio
  • presentation: cyflwyniad
  • gathering: ymgynnull
  • paleness: blerwed
  • lacking: diffyg
  • determined: benderfynol
  • conscious: ymwybodol
  • recovering: adfer
  • hidden: cudd
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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