From the Dust of the Earth - CBA Presentation by Dr. Matthew Ramage

3 de ago. de 2021 · 42m 48s
From the Dust of the Earth - CBA Presentation by Dr. Matthew Ramage

In this episode of The Two Wings Seminar, Dr. Matthew Ramage presents "From the Dust of the Earth: Benedict XVI, the Bible, and the Theory of Evolution" for the Catholic...

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In this episode of The Two Wings Seminar, Dr. Matthew Ramage presents "From the Dust of the Earth: Benedict XVI, the Bible, and the Theory of Evolution" for the Catholic Biblical Association 2021 annual meeting. (August 2, 2021)

Dr. Matthew Ramage is Adjunct Professor of Sacred Scripture at Holy Apostles College and Seminary and Professor of Theology at Benedictine College in Kansas. He is author, contributing author, or co-translator of a variety of articles and books, including the monographs Dark Passages of the Bible: Engaging Scripture with Benedict XVI and Thomas Aquinas (CUA, 2013), Jesus, Interpreted: Benedict XVI, Bart Ehrman, and the Historical Truth of the Gospels (CUA Press, 2017), The Experiment of Faith: Pope Benedict XVI on Living the Theological Virtues in a Secular Age (CUA Press, 2020), and Christ’s Church and World Religions (Sophia Institute Press, 2020). His next book, From the Dust of the Earth: Benedict XVI, the Bible, and the Theory of Evolution, is forthcoming from Catholic University of America Press in early 2022. For more on his work and his CV, visit Dr. Ramage's website
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