Genetic Awakening: How Understanding Your DNA Can Transform Your Weight Loss Journey With Dr. Phyllis Pobee

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Genetic Awakening: How Understanding Your DNA Can Transform Your Weight Loss Journey With Dr. Phyllis Pobee
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Episode Highlights With Dr. Phyllis Pobee - How she lost over 100 pounds after having two kids by understanding genetics - Obesity affects all organ systems - What genetic weight...
mostra más- How she lost over 100 pounds after having two kids by understanding genetics
- Obesity affects all organ systems
- What genetic weight loss is, and how she figured this out
- The biggest gene that comes into play with weight loss… the FTO gene
- Genetic avatars and how this helps pinpoint what will be effective
- The craving captives and how this comes into play with genetics and dopamine genes
- The gene/hormone connection and how certain genes can affect things here
- How detox pathways play a part in weight loss
- Things that are generally helpful or not helpful for women, especially how fasting isn't great for women over 30
- What to know about detox and how to support the body in this process
- The fructose and liver connection and how this can stress the body out
- Why cellular health is so important and how our genes can give us insight into that
- Gut microbiome and genetics
- Histamine intolerance and how this can affect weight loss
- Understanding exercise, genetics, and how this impacts weight loss
- The answers are within us
Autor | Katie Wells |
Organización | Katie Wells |
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