Georgia Judge Flips Out After Being Arrested in Atlanta | Christina Peterson

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Georgia Judge Flips Out After Being Arrested in Atlanta | Christina Peterson
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Georgia Judge Flips Out After Being Arrested in Atlanta | Christina Peterson Bodycam footage released by the Atlanta Police Department shows a Georgia judge being arrested on June 20. Douglas...
mostra másBodycam footage released by the Atlanta Police Department shows a Georgia judge being arrested on June 20. Douglas County probate judge Christina Peterson allegedly got into an altercation with an officer while he was trying to de-escalate a situation between security and a female outside the Red Martini Restaurant and Lounge. She told one of her friends to “record, please,” as if body-worn cameras did not already record the entire incident. Her attorney, Marvin Arrington Jr., characterizes the situation as a good deed gone wrong, questioning why the other person involved wasn't arrested while she was.
#bodycam #cops #police #policebodycam
Autor | Alexis Knight |
Organización | The Dark Web Vlogs |
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