Ghislaine Maxwell Requests A Summary Judgement Against Virginia Roberts (Parts 1-3) (12/27/24)

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Ghislaine Maxwell Requests A Summary Judgement Against Virginia Roberts (Parts 1-3) (12/27/24)
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In 2015, Ghislaine Maxwell sought summary judgment to dismiss a defamation lawsuit filed by Virginia Giuffre (née Roberts) in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York....
mostra másThe court, however, found that genuine disputes over material facts existed, particularly concerning the truth or falsity of the statements made by both parties. As a result, the judge denied Maxwell's motion for summary judgment, allowing the defamation lawsuit to proceed toward trial. This decision underscored the complexities involved in the case, especially regarding the conflicting accounts and the need for a thorough examination of the evidence presented by both sides.
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