Girl Grabs Gun During DUI Arrest, Screams for Mommy

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Girl Grabs Gun During DUI Arrest, Screams for Mommy
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Girl Grabs Gun During DUI Arrest, Screams for Mommy ST. PETERSBURG, FL -- On the afternoon of 10/6/2022, police initiated a traffic stop after observing a vehicle with an unreadable...
mostra másST. PETERSBURG, FL -- On the afternoon of 10/6/2022, police initiated a traffic stop after observing a vehicle with an unreadable paper tag, which expired the month prior. Upon approaching the driver, who was later identified as a 21-year-old named Sidney, officers quickly detected signs of impairment.
After conducting field sobriety tests, the suspect was officially arrested. A search search of Sidney's person began when she mentioned her being in possession of a weapon belonging to her cousin.
In the end, Sidney was charged with carrying a concealed weapon, DUI, and obstruction w/o violence. After pleading to the CCW and obstruction charges, she was sentenced to three days of confinement, with three days credit for time served. At the time of this recording, the DUI case was still pending.
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