Gone But Not Forgotten Compilation: Katie Ferguson And Jason Jolkowski (1/12/25)

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Gone But Not Forgotten Compilation: Katie Ferguson And Jason Jolkowski (1/12/25)
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Katie Ferguson was on a trip across the country with her ex boyfriend and her two children. She has not been seen since. Her ex boyfriend has been arrested on...
mostra másHowever, they have not charged him with anything besides being a felon in posession of ammunition. Aviles remains in jail on the charges.
Jason Jolkowski, a 19-year-old from Omaha, Nebraska, disappeared on June 13, 2001, while walking to meet a coworker for a ride to work. Despite extensive investigations by the police and relentless advocacy by his family, no leads or evidence have surfaced to explain his disappearance. His mother, Kelly Jolkowski, founded Project Jason, a non-profit that supports families of missing persons, and pushed for legislative changes, resulting in the passage of “Jason's Law” in Nebraska. Numerous theories have been proposed, including abduction, medical emergency, or trafficking, but none have been substantiated. The family continues to fight for answers, utilizing new forensic technologies, private investigators, and public outreach efforts, keeping Jason's story alive and advocating for other missing persons. Jason's disappearance remains a haunting mystery, but his family's unbreakable determination to find him and bring awareness to others in similar situations endures.
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