Gone But Not Forgotten Compilation: Lisanne Froon And Kris Kremers And Layla Santenello (1/20/25)

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Gone But Not Forgotten Compilation: Lisanne Froon And Kris Kremers And Layla Santenello (1/20/25)
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Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were two Dutch students who went missing in April 2014 while hiking near Boquete, Panama, on the Pianista Trail. After embarking on what was intended...
mostra másLayla Santanello, a 21-year-old from Kingsport, Tennessee, has been missing since June 27, 2023. She was last seen around 6:15 a.m. in a field adjacent to the Americourt Hotel at 1900 American Way in Kingsport. At the time of her disappearance, Layla was described as 4 feet 10 inches tall, weighing approximately 135 pounds, with blonde hair and brown eyes. She has several distinctive tattoos, including Roman numerals on her collarbone and her daughter’s name, "Nova Grace," on her left forearm.
The Kingsport Police Department, in collaboration with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, has conducted extensive searches and issued multiple subpoenas in an effort to locate Layla. Despite these efforts, her whereabouts remain unknown. Layla's family continues to seek information and has organized community events to raise awareness about her disappearance. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Kingsport Police Department at (423) 343-9780 or the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation at 1-800-TBI-FIND.
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Autor | Bobby Capucci |
Organización | Bobby Capucci |
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