Gone But Not Forgotten Compilation: Michael Dunahee And Dulce Maria Alavez (1/13/25)

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Gone But Not Forgotten Compilation: Michael Dunahee And Dulce Maria Alavez (1/13/25)
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Michael Dunahee, a four-year-old boy, vanished without a trace on March 24, 1991, from a crowded park in Victoria, British Columbia, in broad daylight, sparking one of Canada's largest and...
mostra másOn September 16, 2019, five-year-old Dulce Maria Alavez disappeared from Bridgeton City Park in New Jersey while playing with her younger brother, sparking a massive search and investigation that continues to this day. Despite extensive efforts from local and federal authorities, including the FBI, and widespread media attention, no significant leads have emerged. Witnesses reported seeing a Hispanic man leading Dulce into a red van, but neither the man nor the vehicle was ever identified. The case, which remains unsolved, has deeply impacted Dulce's family and community, who continue to hold out hope for her safe return. Investigators still consider it an active investigation, pursuing every possible lead, as the search for answers continues.
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