Gone But Not Forgotten Compilation: Sam Sayers And Bridgete Phillips (1/20/25)

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Gone But Not Forgotten Compilation: Sam Sayers And Bridgete Phillips (1/20/25)
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Bridget Bernadette Phillips, a 22-year-old graduate student at Johns Hopkins University, was brutally murdered on March 22, 1989, in her off-campus Baltimore apartment. Bridget, who was studying Medieval and Byzantine...
mostra másSamantha Sayers, a 28-year-old experienced hiker, disappeared on August 1, 2018, while hiking Vesper Peak in the North Cascades of Washington. Despite an extensive search involving helicopters, drones, search dogs, and hundreds of volunteers, no trace of her has ever been found. Theories surrounding her disappearance range from a fall in the rugged terrain to getting lost, while some speculate about foul play. Samantha’s family, particularly her mother, Lisa Sayers, and her boyfriend, Kevin Dares, have continued private search efforts, though no new evidence has emerged. As of the most recent updates, her case remains unsolved, leaving friends, family, and the public searching for answers in one of Washington’s most baffling missing person cases.
(commercial at 7:26)
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