Gone But Not Forgotten: Shawn Betz And Brian Schaffer

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Gone But Not Forgotten: Shawn Betz And Brian Schaffer
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Shawn Betz was an 11-year-old boy who disappeared in 1988 from a pizza parlor in Upland, California. On the evening of his disappearance, Shawn was at the pizza parlor, a...
mostra másThe circumstances of Shawn’s disappearance remain a mystery, with no witnesses, physical evidence, or credible leads to explain what happened to him. Various theories have been proposed, including abduction by a stranger, accidental harm, or foul play, but none have been confirmed. Shawn’s case remains unsolved, leaving his family and the community without answers for decades.
In our second case...
Brian Shaffer was a 27-year-old medical student at Ohio State University who disappeared under mysterious circumstances on April 1, 2006. Born on February 25, 1979, in Pickerington, Ohio, Brian was known for his intelligence, charm, and love of music, particularly the band Pearl Jam. He was in his second year of medical school and was described as a friendly and sociable person with a bright future ahead of him.
On the night he vanished, Brian went out with friends to several bars in Columbus, Ohio, eventually returning to the Ugly Tuna Saloona, a popular bar near the OSU campus. Surveillance footage captured him entering the bar but never showed him leaving. Despite extensive searches and investigations, Brian’s whereabouts remain unknown, making his case one of the most baffling unsolved missing person cases in the United States.
(commercial at 8:53)
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Organización | Bobby Capucci |
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