
H&LD E71 - Richard Perry: Overcomer

26 de jul. de 2022 · 42m 59s
H&LD E71 - Richard Perry: Overcomer

H&LD E71 w/ Richard Perry: Perry explains how his high school coach drew him into the sport of wrestling and how he ended up at Bloomsburg. Going to Bloomsburg was...

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H&LD E71 w/ Richard Perry: Perry explains how his high school coach drew him into the sport of wrestling and how he ended up at Bloomsburg. Going to Bloomsburg was all about beating one team. We talk about how the Overcomer name came about and what the Overcomer Training Center in Connecticut is all about. Perry also explains what his next big goal is!

Go follow Richard Perry and Chain Wrestling for Overcomer Apparel:

Instagram: @iamrichperryusa @chain_wrestle
Twitter: @IamRichPerryUSA @chain_wrestle

Visit www.gritathletics.com to register for the GRIT Greengrass to hear more from Richard Perry in Livermore, Colorado.

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Autor Cole Zempel
Organización Cole Zempel
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