
"Halloween: U.S. vs UK!" EXPANDED UNIVERSE 32

30 de oct. de 2022 · 41m 15s
"Halloween: U.S. vs UK!" EXPANDED UNIVERSE 32

Halloween traditions and craziness – it’s the U.S. vs. the UK! Well, likely the United Kingdom brought the traditions, and the United States brought the craziness! British voice-over actor Simon...

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Halloween traditions and craziness – it’s the U.S. vs. the UK! Well, likely the United Kingdom brought the traditions, and the United States brought the craziness! British voice-over actor Simon Wells joins John and Doc as they trace the spooky history of Halloween from its early origins to its massive popularity and childhood hilarity.
Cinema Craptaculus Presents: The Expanded Universe!
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Autor The Cinema Craptaculus Crew
Organización The Cinema Craptaculus Crew
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