Harlow On Healthcare: Luka Yancopoulos, CEO Grapevine

15 de feb. de 2024 · 24m 37s
Harlow On Healthcare: Luka Yancopoulos, CEO Grapevine

Host David Harlow speaks with Grapevine's CEO Luka Yancopolous about the changing face of health care purchasing. What did you do during the lockdown? Luka combined online sleuthing with tech...

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Host David Harlow speaks with Grapevine's CEO Luka Yancopolous about the changing face of health care purchasing. What did you do during the lockdown? Luka combined online sleuthing with tech skills to home in on health care supply chain problems and opportunities. Now his company makes that solution available to health care provider organizations. To stream our Station live 24/7 visit www.HealthcareNOWRadio.com or ask your Smart Device to “….Play Healthcare NOW Radio”. Find all of our network podcasts on your favorite podcast platforms and be sure to subscribe and like us. Learn more at www.healthcarenowradio.com/listen
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