HEAVY talks to KERRY KING Backstage at GOOD THINGS 2024

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HEAVY talks to KERRY KING Backstage at GOOD THINGS 2024
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When thrash legends Slayer called it a day last year, it left a gaping hole in guitarist Kerry King's musical psyche that was impossible to fill. After conquering the world...
mostra másAfter conquering the world of metal for four decades as part of the legendary outfit, King suddenly found himself cut off from the world he knew and helped create. It was to become a pivotal moment in King's career, who knew with every fibre of his being that he was not done with music.
Nor it with him.
King buried himself in the major constant in his life, working on, and ultimately releasing his debut album From Hell I Rise. Featuring a new-look band, King released an album as expected, echoing ghosts of future musical pasts but also creating a definitive body of work that emphatically revealed just how much of his own DNA was embedded in Slayer's music.
Now, King is in Australia for the first time with his new band, ripping it up as part of Good Things 2024. HEAVY had the pleasure of chatting with the great man before the first show in Melbourne.Good Things Festival hits Sydney on December 7 before moving to Brisbane for the final show on December 8.
Tickets and more details: https://goodthingsfestival.com.au/
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Organización | HEAVY Magazine |
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