Hoboken Detective Catches a MAN Stealing Makeup from CVS

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Hoboken Detective Catches a MAN Stealing Makeup from CVS
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Hoboken Detective Catches a MAN Stealing Makeup from CVS products from the makeup aisle into an oversize coat. He immediately made contact with the shoplifting suspect and asked him to...
mostra másproducts from the makeup aisle into an oversize coat. He immediately made contact with the shoplifting suspect and asked him to empty his pockets. The suspect was identified as 39-year-old Joseph Burigo, and Detective Losurdo informed him that he was under arrest for shoplifting. Within a few minutes, Officers Daniel Barron and Daniel Grossi arrived on scene to assist. He was handcuffed, searched, and escorted to the patrol car. Detective Losurdo had a store associate scan the items that he had retrieved, and he initially estimated that the total value of stolen items was $269.40.
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