Holiday Dilemma: Choosing Family Over Project Deadlines

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Holiday Dilemma: Choosing Family Over Project Deadlines
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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Holiday Dilemma: Choosing Family Over Project Deadlines Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di jantung kota yang sibuk, kantor...
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Story Transcript:
Id: Di jantung kota yang sibuk, kantor perusahaan tempat Rendra bekerja dipenuhi oleh semangat musim liburan.
En: In the heart of the bustling city, the office of the company where Rendra worked was filled with the spirit of the holiday season.
Id: Pohon Natal berdiri di sudut ruangan, dan lampu berkelap-kelip menambah semarak suasana.
En: A Christmas tree stood in the corner of the room, and twinkling lights added to the lively atmosphere.
Id: Aroma kopi segar menyebar dari dapur kecil di ujung lorong, mengundang para karyawan untuk mengambil rehat sejenak.
En: The aroma of fresh coffee wafted from the small kitchen at the end of the hallway, inviting the employees to take a momentary break.
Id: Rendra, seorang manajer proyek yang ambisius, duduk di depan komputernya dengan tatapan penuh konsentrasi.
En: Rendra, an ambitious project manager, sat in front of his computer with a look of deep concentration.
Id: Tumpukan dokumen menghias mejanya, dan teleponnya tak henti berdering.
En: A pile of documents adorned his desk, and his phone was constantly ringing.
Id: Musim panas ini, meski sebagian besar orang berharap menikmati liburan, Rendra justru terjebak dalam tekanan pekerjaannya.
En: This summer, though most people hoped to enjoy a holiday, Rendra was trapped under the pressure of his job.
Id: Di tempat yang sama, Sari, rekan dan sahabat dekat Rendra, memperhatikan dari jauh.
En: In the same place, Sari, Rendra's colleague and close friend, observed from afar.
Id: Dia tahu bahwa liburan akhir tahun ini sangat penting bagi Rendra.
En: She knew that this end-of-year holiday was very important to Rendra.
Id: Dia mengingat bagaimana Rendra sering berbicara tentang keinginannya untuk menghabiskan waktu dengan keluarga.
En: She recalled how Rendra often talked about his desire to spend time with his family.
Id: Namun, proyek besar yang harus diselesaikan sebelum akhir bulan menempatkan Rendra dalam dilema.
En: However, the major project that had to be completed before the end of the month put Rendra in a dilemma.
Id: "Sari," panggil Rendra dengan suara lembut ketika Sari mendekat, "Aku merasa bersalah. Anak-anak sudah lama menunggu liburan ini. Tapi pekerjaan ini... terlalu banyak."
En: "Sari," called Rendra softly when Sari approached, "I feel guilty. The kids have been waiting for this holiday for a long time. But this work... it's just too much."
Id: Sari tersenyum hangat. "Rendra, kamu tahu aku selalu ada di sini jika kamu butuh bantuan. Peluang seperti ini tidak datang dua kali. Keluarga lebih berharga dari segalanya."
En: Sari smiled warmly. "Rendra, you know I'm always here if you need help. Opportunities like this don't come twice. Family is more valuable than anything."
Id: Rendra menghela napas panjang. Kata-kata Sari bergaung dalam pikirannya.
En: Rendra took a long sigh. Sari's words resonated in his mind.
Id: Namun, tekanan dari atasannya semakin berat.
En: However, the pressure from his boss was becoming heavier.
Id: Berbagai rapat penting dan tenggat waktu proyek membuatnya ragu untuk mengambil cuti.
En: Various important meetings and project deadlines made him hesitant to take leave.
Id: Hari demi hari berlalu, hingga tiba saatnya untuk memilih.
En: Day by day passed until the time came to choose.
Id: Hari itu, Rendra harus menghadiri pertemuan penting di kantor.
En: That day, Rendra had to attend an important meeting at the office.
Id: Namun di waktu yang sama, keluarganya menunggu di bandara untuk liburan pertama mereka ke pantai saat musim panas.
En: But at the same time, his family was waiting at the airport for their first holiday to the beach in the summer.
Id: Ketika jam dinding berdetak mendekati tengah hari, hati Rendra bergejolak.
En: As the wall clock ticked close to noon, Rendra's heart was in turmoil.
Id: Ia menatap kalender di mejanya, mengingat wajah gembira anak-anaknya.
En: He glanced at the calendar on his desk, remembering his children's joyful faces.
Id: Akhirnya, dengan napas yang tertahan, Rendra berdiri.
En: Finally, with held breath, Rendra stood up.
Id: Dia melangkah menuju ruangan bosnya.
En: He walked towards his boss's office.
Id: "Pak, saya tahu ini tiba-tiba, tapi saya harus bersama keluarga saya. Saya harus pergi. Pekerjaan ini penting, tapi keluarga adalah segalanya."
En: "Sir, I know this is sudden, but I have to be with my family. I have to go. This work is important, but family is everything."
Id: Bosnya terdiam sejenak, lalu mengangguk.
En: His boss paused for a moment, then nodded.
Id: "Saya menghargai kejujuranmu, Rendra. Pergilah, perusahaan akan tetap berjalan."
En: "I appreciate your honesty, Rendra. Go, the company will still run."
Id: Rendra merasa seolah beban besar terangkat dari bahunya.
En: Rendra felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from his shoulders.
Id: Dua jam kemudian, dia berdiri di depan keluarganya yang tersenyum lebar.
En: Two hours later, he stood in front of his family, who were grinning widely.
Id: Mata anak-anaknya bersinar cerah.
En: His children's eyes shone brightly.
Id: Mereka berpelukan erat di ruang keberangkatan.
En: They embraced tightly in the departure lounge.
Id: Di pesisir pantai yang hangat, di antar tawa dan pasir, Rendra menemukan kebahagiaan sejatinya.
En: On the warm beach, amidst laughter and sand, Rendra found his true happiness.
Id: Dia sadar bahwa pekerjaan akan selalu ada, tapi momen berharga bersama keluarga adalah yang terpenting.
En: He realized that work would always be there, but precious moments with family were the most important.
Id: Di akhir hari, ketika matahari tenggelam di cakrawala, Rendra berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk lebih pandai mengatur waktu.
En: At the end of the day, as the sun set on the horizon, Rendra promised himself to be better at managing his time.
Id: Dia bertekad mencari keseimbangan antara pekerjaan dan keluarga.
En: He was determined to find a balance between work and family.
Id: Dan di sana, bersama orang-orang tercintanya, Rendra tersenyum, menyadari bahwa dalam setiap akhir tahun, dalam setiap perayaan, yang terpenting bukanlah tugas yang tertinggal, tapi waktu yang terisi penuh kasih.
En: And there, with his loved ones, Rendra smiled, realizing that at every year's end, in every celebration, what matters most are not the tasks left undone, but the time filled with love.
Vocabulary Words:
- bustling: sibuk
- twinkling: berkelap-kelip
- wafted: menyebar
- momentary: sejenak
- ambitious: ambisius
- adorned: menghias
- dilemma: dilema
- guilty: bersalah
- valuable: berharga
- resonated: bergaung
- hesitant: ragu
- turmoil: bergejolak
- grinning: tersenyum lebar
- embraced: berpelukan
- departure lounge: ruang keberangkatan
- amidst: di antar
- horizon: cakrawala
- tasks: tugas
- end-of-year: akhir tahun
- pressure: tekanan
- opportunities: peluang
- meetings: rapat
- deadlines: tenggat waktu
- leave: cuti
- calendar: kalender
- held breath: napas yang tertahan
- honesty: kejujuran
- burden: beban
- realized: sadar
- balance: keseimbangan
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Organización | Kameron Kilchrist |
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