"Holigay Special" Part 1

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Light the candles, grab the tinsel! Our very first festive special has arrived! In this extravagant episode, I listen to all the fabulours voice notes you have sent in about...
mostra másQueer Lit episodes mentioned:
“Drag, Panto & Genderfuckery” with Nick Cherryman
“Queer Kings and Trans Histories” with Kit Heyam
“Tarot, Femmes and Asian Diasporic Literature” with Xine Yao
“Queer Pets” with Sarah Parker and Hannah Roche (coming in January!)
“Disability and Queerness” with Chris Mounsey
“Black Trans Narratives” with LaVelle Ridley
Other people, films and podcasts mentioned:
Homosapiens Podcast
Chris Sweeney
Kathrin Horn
Rose Tremain’s Sacred Country
“Hail Smiling Morn”
Happiest Season
Clea DuVall
But I’m a Cheerleader
The Children’s Hour
Shirley MacLaine
The Retro Bar
Dan Levy
Jana Funke
Radclyffe Halll’s The Well of Loneliness
Jeanette Winterson’s Christmas Days
The Christmas House
Let It Snow
The Christmas Set-up
Friendsgiving/Dinner with Friends
New York Christmas Wedding
Lez Bomb
Truman Capote’s “A Christmas Memory”
Make my yuletide gayer by following me on Twitter (@lena_mattheis) or Instagram (@queerlitpodcast).
Questions you may want to reflect on this festive season:
1.What do you appreciate most about your queer family?
2.What would be a good gender-affirming gift?
3.Which queer charity could you donate to this season? Donations also make great gifts!
4.Kathrin references Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s Epistemology of the Closet to speak about queer temporality and the holigays. Why not read up on Sedgwick and the closet this season?
Autor | Lena Mattheis |
Organización | Lena Mattheis |
Página web | - |
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