Homesteading Space with Donald Jacques

25 de jun. de 2011 · 1h 16s
Homesteading Space with Donald Jacques

Pilgrims, and settlers of the American West did not take the latest and greatest technology with them when they settled their new lands. They actually took only what they could...

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Pilgrims, and settlers of the American West did not take the latest and greatest technology with them when they settled their new lands. They actually took only what they could reasonably carry that would contribute to their survival at their destination. I propose that we do the same in the coming decades as we send out settlers to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Follow along in this handbook as I introduce a plan that not only provides a guide for the survival materials to take along, but a process of twelve steps that can get our settlers on the moon in less than ten years. This is no grand scheme on the order of The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps by Marshall Savage. Rather, I propose a realistic first step to put true frontier settlers on the Moon, and soon there after on Mars. Join me and see if you might actually like to buy a ticket to the Moon!
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Autor KWOD Radio
Organización PJ Hultstrand
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