Hunter Pardoned and USA threatened with Nukes!?

3 de dic. de 2024 · 13m
Hunter Pardoned and USA threatened with Nukes!?

Well, if anyone ever thought that they would see the light of day on Hunter Biden‘s laptop, yeah that’s never gonna happen! So it looks like Joey Bee has pardoned...

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Well, if anyone ever thought that they would see the light of day on Hunter Biden‘s laptop, yeah that’s never gonna happen! So it looks like Joey Bee has pardoned his good old offspring, and the contents of his laptop will never be shown the light of day and all of the patriots can just sleep a little less better at night knowing that they’re never gonna see what they hope to see! I know it’s sad but true. Also there has been some more drills going on between Russia and China, as well as America and Japan. Been practising some very intense drills that are making the average citizen. Vulnerable to possible attacks. FEMA has issued some instructions to prepare if these events do take place how you can prepare best and so much more so you wanna jump into this short little podcast broadcast and find out what took place over the weekend.
For entertainment and educational purposes ONLY! Under copyright acts section 107 (1976), the content shared is for the purposes of critique, education and discussion under fair us. (Podcast art and podcast external sound bites not my own)
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Autor Wtf-Landia Radio Late Show
Organización S. Michellé
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