"Hustle & Road: The Rip Rogers Explicit Shoot Interview"

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"Hustle & Road: The Rip Rogers Explicit Shoot Interview"
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Dive into the untamed and uproarious world of wrestling with "Hustle & Road: The Rip Rogers Shoot Interview." Join "The Hustler" himself as he recounts the wildest, most outlandish road...
mostra más- (00:29-01:38) Rip Rogers and Cliff Compton discuss their experiences and interactions with younger wrestlers, showcasing Rogers' mentorship role at Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) and setting the tone for his informal and explicit language style.
- (01:38-02:15) The setting is the Davis Arena in Louisville, Kentucky, where Cliff highlights Rogers' impact and popularity, indicated by fan reactions and expectations for a high "F-bomb count" during the interview.
- (02:15-03:18) Rogers reflects on his disappointment due to the absence of another wrestler, Freight Train, who was supposed to co-host the show, illustrating Rogers' connection and influence in the wrestling community.
- (03:18-04:22) Rogers recounts humorous anecdotes from his wrestling career, including interactions with wrestling personalities like Michael Hayes and Scandar Akbar, highlighting his long history and the camaraderie in the wrestling industry.
- (04:22-05:53) The conversation takes a playful turn with discussions about college drinking games associated with Rogers' explicit language, demonstrating his notorious reputation and the cultural impact of his character within wrestling fan circles.
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