I 55M found out wife 52F cheated with a Younger guy and my daughters knew about it

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I 55M found out wife 52F cheated with a Younger guy and my daughters knew about it
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#redditstories #askreddit #aita #infidelity #familydrama #betrayalSummary: A 55-year-old husband discovers his wife’s infidelity with a younger man after 25 years of marriage. Shockingly, his three daughters were aware, choosing secrecy...
mostra másA 55-year-old husband discovers his wife’s infidelity with a younger man after 25 years of marriage. Shockingly, his three daughters were aware, choosing secrecy over telling him. Now, he's grappling with feelings of betrayal from his family and determining next steps, torn between anger and lingering love for his children.SEO Tags:
redditstories, askreddit, reddit, aita, tifu, familybetrayal, infidelitystory, midlifebetrayal, marriedlifedrama, fatherhoodstruggles, secretkeeping, loyaltyandtrust, relationshipturmoil, cheatingspouse, doublelife, lifeaftermarriage, emotionalpain, familysecrets, copingwithbetrayal, fathersanddaughters
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