If You Speak, You Must Speak Online

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How can you reach the most people? As my guest says in this podcast of MAKE MORE MONEY BY GIVING BETTER PRESENTATIONS, “By being online, you can speak to The...
mostra másAs my guest says in this podcast of MAKE MORE MONEY BY GIVING BETTER PRESENTATIONS, “By being online, you can speak to The Whole World”!
That means you can also sell more (if that is your goal).
As a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional), Ellen Finkelstein is an expert, speaker, trainer, and best-selling author on PowerPoint and presentation skills. She specializes in training speakers to present effectively.
As she grew her business, Ellen became an authority in helping online entrepreneurs to reach more people through writing and speaking (like my ToastMentor business).
This podcast is FULL of very helpful tips on how to effectively present online and grow your business by being online. Ellen outline steps to run your own webinar. She also shares five exceptional actions to finding partners and affiliates to grow your audience.
Some of the important advice that Ellen shares in this podcast includes:
How can you ADD VALUE?
•Speak online to display expertise, reach more people
•Webinars are to speaking as self-publishing is to writing books
•Build a relationship to create partnerships (5 Steps)
•If you are speaker, use YouTube often
•Online presentations: be more engaging, more vocal variety
•PowerPoint slides should change often, be more visual (few words)
•Engage your online audience with polls, questions, feedback
•Standing when presenting online give you energy that your audience hears
How can you MAKE MORE MONEY?
•Use webinar summits with other experts (who are also affiliates)
•Have the right offer for the right people at the right time
•You refer your audience to partners’ offers; they refer their audiences to you
•Be an affiliate; partners as affiliates (receive commissions from sales)
At the end of the Podcast, Ellen makes a special offer to you: a FREE Video Training program, “13 Techniques That Will Make Designing Your Slides EASY”. Simply visit her website, (https://www.ellenfinkelstein.com/pptblog/getstarted/).
I want to help you to give better presentations. I want to help you make more money by giving better presentations.
Fred Haley
Autor | Toula's Tips For Caregivers |
Organización | Toula's Tips For Caregivers |
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