Intimacy & Sex: The Designer is the Definer with Pastor Jamal Baker

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Today, Rev. Stephanie C. Holmes interviews Pastor Jamal Baker, a former licensed professional counselor and sex therapist. This podcast is a module from a module that is on sale this...
mostra másThis podcast is a module from a module that is on sale this month. The usual price is $129.
Pastor Jamal Baker is the lead pastor of the Atlanta location of Chapelhill Church. Pastor Jamal was trained in his counseling practice in the specialty of healthy sexuality under the late Dr. Doug Roseneau and the Penners.
About the Course, this module interview comes from:
Topics in ND Relationships cover Intimacy and Special Interests. To start this module, you want to start with these FREE sermon series: Marriage Basics and Porndemic. As part of this module, Dr. Stephanie Holmes sits down with two ministers to discuss these sermons and bring in the aspect of NeuroDiversity in marriage and some bad marriage theology and doctrine many couples have been taught and believed, which adds to the complexity of ND Christian relationships. Personal stories are shared when special interests involve sex, roles, religion, or pornography and its impact on the relationship.
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Brian Hight
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