Introducing Bae To The Kids

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Season 3, Episode 6 Originally Transmitted via Facebook on Febuaray 25, 2021 From our community: “Hmm...My mother was a little promiscuous...There were a interesting amount of “uncles” in the household...
mostra másOriginally Transmitted via Facebook on Febuaray 25, 2021
From our community: “Hmm...My mother was a little promiscuous...There were a interesting amount of “uncles” in the household before she became a lesbian.”
“If allowed, I eliminate baby daddy drama real quick”
“If a person doesn’t introduce you to their kids in x amount of time, does that mean they aren’t serious about you? What’s the time limit?”
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Autor | Kreszentia Snyder |
Organización | Kreszentia Snyder |
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