Investigating Paranormal Hotspots with Kristy Sumner

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Episode 98: On this episode, Paranormal Investigator and founder of Soul Sister's Paranormal, Dr. Kristy Sumner, joins me on the show. Kristy coupled her passion for travel, history and the...
mostra másKristy talked about some of the historic places investigated and about some of the amazing evidence and EVPs they captured at some these historic haunted locations. She talked about how they have been successful in capturing some names from EVPs, how they always respect the locations and spirits that reside there and how they meticulously conduct research prior to an investigation. She believes that their meticulous and respectful approach is a big reason why they have captured such compelling evidence. Visit, to find out more about Kristy and her team, the locations they have investigated and the evidence they have captured.
To find out more about the Haunted ventriloquist story mentioned in the intro go to,
Music by: Sergey Cheremisinov
#SoulSistersParanormal; #passion4theparanormal; #transalleghenylunaticasylum
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