Is the MAGA Movement FALLING APART? Candace Owens QUESTIONS Trump’s Leadership

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Is the MAGA Movement FALLING APART? Candace Owens QUESTIONS Trump’s Leadership
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In this explosive segment, Candace Owens dives deep into the ongoing conservative infighting, specifically the emerging "Groyper War Part Two" and what it means for the future of the MAGAh...
mostra más#CandaceOwens #GroyperWar #Trump2024 #MAGAh #ConservativeInfighting #NickFuentez #GOP #TrumpCampaign #PoliticalDivide #VivekRamaswamy #RonDeSantis #BenShapiro #BigDonors #Election2024 #MAGA #PoliticalAnalysis
Autor | Middle MAGA |
Organización | Stuck in the Middle |
Página web | - |
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