ITEST Webinar Finding God in Space Exploration and Extraterrestrial Life (April 22, 2023)

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ITEST Webinar Finding God in Space Exploration and Extraterrestrial Life (April 22, 2023)
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In this ITEST Webinar entitled Finding God in Space Exploration and Extraterrestrial Life (April 22, 2023), Paul Segura and Ted Peters talk about space and the possibility of life outside...
mostra másThe Space Race to the Moon in the 1960s is an example of science and engineering excellence peaking at the national level to achieve a seemingly impossible goal. Yet even in the midst of this technological achievement, God could not only be found but made a lasting impact. In addition, as the search for intelligent life beyond Earth continues, it’s reasonable to expect we have morally ambiguous space neighbors who have been similarly graced by a loving creator and redeemer.
Finding God in Space Exploration and Extraterrestrial Life - Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology (
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Organización | WCAT Radio |
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