Jack and The Beanstalk | Decoding Fairy Tales

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Jack and The Beanstalk most likely was written a very long time ago. Marie Cachet and Varg Vikerenes' decoding, or maieutics appear to be rock solid. Linking back to the...
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Vikernes, Varg & Cachet, Marie. (2017). Paganism Explained Part 2: Little Red Riding Hood & Jack and The Beanstalk. Marie Cachet.
Cachet, Marie. (2017). The Secret of The She-Bear: An Unexpected Key to Understand European Mythologies, Traditions and Tales. CreateSpace.
Olderr, Steven. (2012). Symbolism: A Comprehensive Dictionary. McFarland & Company.
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Autor | Gino Volante |
Organización | Gino Volante |
Página web | thesecretkindergarten.com |
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