"Joe Bonanno: The Mafia Monarch"

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"Joe Bonanno: The Mafia Monarch"
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Dive into the gripping saga of Joe Bonanno, a name synonymous with fear and respect in the annals of the American Mafia. From his early days in the rugged terrains...
mostra más- (00:01) Joe Bonanno's influence in the Mafia remained unchallenged for 30 years, earning him a reputation as a fearsome and respected figure in organized crime, known for preserving traditions and involving his son in his clandestine affairs.
- (01:40) Born in Sicily in 1905 into a powerful Mafia family, Joe Bonanno was influenced early by the region's historical resistance to authority and foreign rule, shaping his early exposure to organized crime under his father, Salvatore.
- (06:01) In 1924, Bonanno immigrated to America, where Prohibition offered him the lucrative opportunity to become a bootlegger in New York, quickly establishing himself as a formidable figure in the underworld.
- (13:43) By 1931, Bonanno solidified his position in organized crime by marrying into another Mafia family, helping to form the Commission, a governing body of Mafia families, which would control underworld activities for decades without a centralized leader.
- (25:24) Over the years, Bonanno faced challenges to his authority, including internal betrayals and law enforcement pressures, leading to his temporary disappearance in 1964. Despite these trials, he managed to maintain a significant influence within the Mafia and attempted to retire peacefully in the 1960s.
Autor | Jolly West |
Organización | Gemini ♊️ key Productions |
Página web | - |
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