Judge Frank Caprio From Caught In Providence

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The brand-new nationally syndicated series from an actual courtroom starring Judge Frank Caprio, Caught in Providence, debuts on Monday, September 24th. Caught in Providence offers a close-up view of what...
mostra másCaught in Providence offers a close-up view of what Judge Caprio encounters in his courtroom, including the young kids of defendants who aren't afraid to offer His Honor their brutally honest opinions of their parents' guilt or innocence. Viewers will see cases directly from the courtroom of the greatly admired and long-presiding Providence, RI, Chief Municipal Judge. His special brand of compassionate, empathetic and no-nonsense approach to justice quickly went viral when videos of the cases appeared online - earning more than 1.5 billion views in one year.
In deciding on a variety of traffic, parking and other violations, Judge Caprio weighs the offense against the defendants' larger contributions to society, as well as the hardships they have endured. He's no pushover, however, with those who dare try to take advantage of his good heart quickly shut down - and forced to pay the clerk the full amount of the fine on their way out.
Autor | Arroe Collins |
Organización | Arroe Collins |
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