Jueces 2: Una generación olvidadiza y malagradecida.

19 de sep. de 2022 · 7m 30s
Jueces 2: Una generación olvidadiza y malagradecida.

Jueces 2: Una generación olvidadiza y malagradecida. Jueces 2:6-15: (Por favor leer en sus biblias el capitulo completo. —--------------------------------------- En este capítulo vemos la degradación del pueblo de Israel. No...

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Jueces 2: Una generación olvidadiza y malagradecida.

Jueces 2:6-15:

(Por favor leer en sus biblias el capitulo completo.

En este capítulo vemos la degradación del pueblo de Israel. No solamente fueron negligentes y débiles al conquistar la tierra prometida, sino que comenzaron a hacer cosas que estaban totalmente prohibidas y ya habían sido advertidos de que no cayeran en ellas. Se tornaron a los ídolos de los cananeos y sus prácticas.
Pero esto no lo hizo aquella generación que se levantó y creció viendo a Josué y sus contemporáneos. Esto lo hizo una generación que no había visto a sus antepasados pelear en el nombre del Señor. No vieron caer gigantes, no escucharon al anciano guerrero retarlos para que sean fieles al Señor. No vieron al sol y la luna detenerse, ni las murallas caer al fuerte grito de alabanza.
La infidelidad al Señor llegó por medio de la nueva generación que no tuvo la necesidad de clamar a Dios cuando se está rodeado de enemigos, cuando se cae en una emboscada y debe pelear en diferentes direcciones al estar rodeados de enemigos.
Cuando la tierra descansó de la guerra, las vidas de los israelitas se llenaron de paz y tranquilidad. Todo esfuerzo fue hecho por sus antepasados. Esto hizo que ellos perdieran la dependencia de Dios, ya no tenían un propósito en buscar a Dios, comenzaron a ser negligentes con los mandatos de Dios, perdieron todo sentido a la adoración a Dios y olvidaron el porqué de los sacrificios y ofrendas. Olvidaron que estaban viviendo en una tierra concedida de forma milagrosa y divina por Dios. Olvidaron que sus antepasados vivieron en esclavitud y Dios los libró de forma sobrenatural. Simple y sencillamente ellos no vieron las maravillas de Dios ni vieron luchar valerosamente a sus padres. Abandonaron su identidad, su historia; no fueron agradecidos por el gran sacrificio que ellos hicieron, por las vidas que murieron en la guerra, porque ahora nadie los perseguía ni quería eliminarlos.

Que triste es que caigamos en una actitud de estas. Pienso que no debemos vivir en el remordimiento de los errores cometidos en el pasado, vivir recriminándonos por un pasado oscuro. Pero sí debemos recordar del pasado en la forma en que vivíamos y de cómo Dios nos sacó para que ahora podamos disfrutar de una vida plena.
¡Esto debemos contarle a nuestros hijos! Cuéntales cómo Dios ha sido bueno; cómo nos transformó; cuéntales acerca de las oraciones contestadas; cuéntales de ese problema que el Señor te ayudó a resolver. También cuéntales lo que le costó a muchos predicadores y misioneros llevar este mensaje de salvación, cómo fueron rechazados y perseguidos por la gente del pueblo que querían golpearlos o lincharlos, para que ahora podamos ir a una congregación a adorar a Dios con libertad. Cuéntales cómo antes los cristianos eran insultados cuando se dirigían al templo caminando con sus Biblias en sus manos.
Estamos en un tiempo donde esta generación ha olvidado todo esto. Se ha hecho fácil vivir una doble vida. Cantan y hacen oraciones bonitas pero también se vive de forma desordenada. Se hacen grandes espectáculos llenos de luces y música atractiva pero ya no se habla con pasión a los que no conocen de Dios, sino que se vive una vida espiritual privada y pasiva.
Encendamos la pasión en nosotros recordando las obras poderosas de Dios y el sacrificio de nuestros antepasados que tuvieron que sufrir para mantener su fe en medio de pruebas y luchas; y les ruego, hermanos, que transmitamos este fuego, esta pasión a nuestros hijos, que puedan entender lo que costaba seguir a Jesucristo para que ellos
puedan disfrutar de las bendiciones de Dios; vivan agradecidos, y ocúpense en mantener viva la llama del evangelio en sus vidas.
Si no lo hacemos, vivirán vidas raquíticas, tanto física como espiritualmente. No tendrán carácter y serán débiles de mente y alma, al confiar solo en las comodidades heredadas por nosotros, por el tiempo de abundancia en el que viven actualmente, y no verán la necesidad de ejercitar su vida espiritual, sin carácter firme, sin una vida de devoción y entrega total a Dios.

Soy Eduardo Rodríguez.

Judges 2: A forgetful and ungrateful generation.

Judges 2:6-15:
And when Joshua had dismissed the people, the children of Israel went each to his own inheritance to possess the land.
So the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord which He had done for Israel. Now Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died when he was one hundred and ten years old. And they buried him within the border of his inheritance at Timnath Heres, in the mountains of Ephraim, on the north side of Mount Gaash. When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.
Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served the Baals; and they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt; and they followed other gods from among the gods of the people who were all around them, and they bowed down to them; and they provoked the Lord to anger. They forsook the Lord and served Baal and the Ashtoreths. And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel. So He delivered them into the hands of plunderers who despoiled them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies all around, so that they could no longer stand before their enemies. Wherever they went out, the hand of the Lord was against them for calamity, as the Lord had said, and as the Lord had sworn to them. And they were greatly distressed.

In the last chapter of the book of Joshua we read an impressive verse: “Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had known all the works of the Lord which He had done for Israel.”
In this chapter we see the degradation of the people of Israel. Not only were they negligent and weak in conquering the promised land, but they began to do things that were totally forbidden and had already been warned not to fall into them. They turned to the idols of the Canaanites and their practices.
But this was not done by that generation that arose and grew up seeing Joshua and his contemporaries. This was done by a generation that had not seen their ancestors fight in the name of the Lord. They did not see giants fall, they did not hear the old warrior challenge them to be faithful to the Lord. They did not see the sun and the moon stop, nor the walls fall to the loud cry of praise.
Infidelity to the Lord came through the new generation that did not have the need to cry out to God when surrounded by enemies, when they fell into an ambush and had to fight in different directions when surrounded by enemies.
When the earth rested from war, the lives of the Israelites were filled with peace and tranquility. Every effort was made by their ancestors. This caused them to lose their dependence on God, they no longer had a purpose in seeking God, they began to be negligent with God's commands, they lost all sense of worshiping God and forgot the reason for sacrifices and offerings. They forgot that they were living on a land granted in a miraculous and divine way by God. They forgot that their ancestors lived in slavery and God delivered them supernaturally. Plain and simple they did not see the wonders of God nor did they see their parents fight bravely. They abandoned their identity, their history; they were not thankful for the great sacrifice they made, for the lives that died in the war, because now nobody persecuted them or wanted to eliminate them.

How sad it is that we fall into such an attitude. I think that we should not live in remorse for the mistakes made in the past, living reproaching for a dark past. But we do need to remember the past in the way we lived and how God brought us out so that we can now enjoy a full life.
This we must tell our children! Tell them how God has been good; how He transformed us; tell them about answered prayers; tell them about that problem that the Lord helped you solve. Also tell them what it cost to many preachers and missionaries to carry this message of salvation, how they were rejected and persecuted by the townspeople who wanted to beat or lynch them, so that now we can go to a congregation to worship God with freedom. Tell them how Christians used to be insulted when they walked to the temple with their Bibles in their hands.
We are in a time where this generation has forgotten all this. It has become easy to live a double life. They sing and make beautiful prayers but they also live in a disorderly way. There are great shows full of lights and attractive music, but they no longer speak with passion to those who do not know about God, but instead live a private and passive spiritual life.
Let us ignite the passion in us remembering the powerful works of God and the sacrifice of our ancestors who had to suffer to keep their faith in the midst of trials and struggles; and I beg you, brothers and sisters, that we transmit this fire, this passion to our children, so that they can understand what it cost to follow Jesus Christ so that they can enjoy the blessings of God; live gratefully, and take care to keep the flame of the gospel alive in your lives.
If we don't, they will live stunted lives, both physically and spiritually. They will have no character and will be weak in mind and soul, trusting only in the comforts inherited by us, due to the time of abundance in which they currently live, and they will not see the need to exercise their spiritual life, without firm character, without a life devotion and total surrender to God.

I am Eduardo Rodríguez.

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