Kauffman Corner - Episode 42 (1/1/23)

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Part 2 of Rany Jazayerli (Co-Founder Baseball Prospectus/@Jazayerli) and Soren Petro (Sports Radio 810-WHB, 810whb.com/@SorenPetro) breaking down their respective All-Time Royals Teams. Last week was the hitting, this week it's...
mostra másLast week was the hitting, this week it's the pitching staff. Again, they are selecting from the Royals best players to form the best 26-man roster to play a 162 game season. What five starters and six relievers make the best pitching staff to go along with last week's lineups and benches?
Sit back and enjoy the debate!
Autor | Soren Petro |
Organización | Soren Petro |
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