Kay Smythe-Hill joins P.K. and Kelly, talking chickens, squirrels, cats, dogs, and politics from her home in North Carolina

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Kay Smythe-Hill joins P.K. and Kelly, talking chickens, squirrels, cats, dogs, and politics from her home in North Carolina
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P.K. and Kelly begin the show with a debate on whether potential Attorney General Pam Bondi should focus time and resources on investigating the 2020 election and whether it was...
mostra másKay Smythe-Hill delivers one of her first interviews since her wonderful wedding, but begins with a bit of bad news about a pet chicken for the newlyweds. She then dives into the issues of the day, including what to do about the questions surrounding the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Finally, Kay runs the gauntlet with Kelly's 10 rapid-fire questions and shares her views on the Royal Family.
Autor | Ryan Schuiling |
Organización | Ryan Schuiling |
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