Kevin B. Smith How Mass Incarceration Harms America

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Kevin B. Smith How Mass Incarceration Harms America
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Kevin sheds light on America’s alarming incarceration rates—higher than any other industrial democracy in the world—and the significant costs to taxpayers. He delves into the inequities of the justice system,...
mostra más- Larry Dayries' Case: In Texas, Larry Dayries was sentenced to 70 years for stealing a tuna fish sandwich, his third offense under the "three strikes" law. If he serves the full sentence, the cost to taxpayers will be approximately $1.5 million. Kevin contrasts this with how a similar incident might have a vastly different outcome in Maine.
- Shawna Jones' Tragedy: Shawna, a prisoner participating in a firefighting work program, tragically lost her life while on duty. Shockingly, even if she had survived, her prison record would have barred her from pursuing a career as a firefighter.
Autor | Passionate World Talk Radio |
Organización | Passionate World Talk Radio |
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