Lead Rock Singer Boldly Proclaims Jesus’ Love [Featuring Brad Arnold]
![Lead Rock Singer Boldly Proclaims Jesus’ Love [Featuring Brad Arnold]](https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/t_square_limited_480/images.spreaker.com/original/4341bc070f92a2f23365f5478a7bdedf.jpg)
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Brad Arnold, the lead singer of the rock band 3 Doors Down, went from battling alcoholism to finding hope through rehab, prayer, and the guidance of legendary Country Musician Charlie...
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It’s up to us to bring God’s truth back into our culture. It may feel like an impossible assignment, but there’s much we can do. Join Pastor Allen Jackson as he discusses today’s issues from a biblical perspective.
Find thought-provoking insight from Pastor Allen and his guests, equipping you to lead with your faith in your home, your school, your community, and wherever God takes you.
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3JsyO6ysUVGOIV70xAjtcm?si=6805fe488cf64a6d
Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/culture-christianity-the-allen-jackson-podcast/id1729435597
Autor | Radio America |
Organización | Radio America |
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