"Leaf By Niggle" Part I

17 de nov. de 2019 · 1h 11m 17s
"Leaf By Niggle" Part I

JRR Tolkien wrote this short but powerful book after seeing a tree had been felled by its owners. Tolkien seemed to morn the trees passing as an injustice, to which...

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JRR Tolkien wrote this short but powerful book after seeing a tree had been felled by its owners. Tolkien seemed to morn the trees passing as an injustice, to which may be only he and some owls would miss the great poplar. This poplar passing affected him and one day in 1947 he woke up and penned "Tree and Leaf", which we now call "Leaf By Niggle."

It is the story of a distracted painter who becomes obsessed with painting only a single tree and the leaves on that tree; he even built a shed for the painting. The distractions array from his pesky neighbors, mundane chores, and procrastinating to pack for his upcoming journey.

We, the members of VFF, did a deep dive into the book, this being Part I or III, and began to ask questions like:
What is the purpose of art? When does passion or obsession become unsustainable? What are your "real" duties in life? What responsibility do you have to your neighbors and society? How does God view our distractedness?
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Autor Unabashedly Resolute
Organización Unabashedly Resolute
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