Lesson 357 - Truth answers every call we make to God, responding first with miracles, and then returning unto us to be itself w/Erik

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Lesson 357 - Truth answers every call we make to God, responding first with miracles, and then returning unto us to be itself w/Erik
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Truth answers every call we make to God, Responding first with miracles, and then Returning unto us to be itself. Forgiveness, truth's reflection, tells me how to offer miracles, and...
mostra másForgiveness, truth's reflection, tells me how to offer miracles, and thus escape the prison house in which I think I live. Your holy Son is pointed out to me, first in my brother; then in me. Your Voice instructs me patiently to hear Your Word, and give as I receive. And as I look upon Your Son today, I hear Your Voice instructing me to find the way to You, as You appointed that the way shall be:
"Behold his sinlessness, and be you healed."
- Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles, Lesson 357
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