Lesson of the Day 297 - Forgiveness is the only gift I give with Clare

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Lesson of the Day 297 - Forgiveness is the only gift I give with Clare
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Forgiveness is the only gift I give. Forgiveness is the only gift I give, because it is the only gift I want. And everything I give I give myself. This...
mostra másForgiveness is the only gift I give, because it is the only gift I want. And everything I give I give myself. This is salvation's simple formula. And I, who would be saved, would make it mine, to be the way I live within a world that needs salvation, and that will be saved as I accept Atonement for myself. Father, how certain are Your ways; how sure their final outcome, and how faithfully is every step in my salvation set already, and accomplished by Your grace. Thanks be to You for Your eternal gifts, and thanks to You for my Identity.
- Jesus Christ in A Cours ein Miracles, Lesson 297
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