Let's Talk Safety - The kidnapping of Eliza Fletcher

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Let's Talk Safety - The kidnapping of Eliza Fletcher
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Around 4 am on Friday, Eliza Fletcher, a deeply committed runner who earned a spot in the Boston Marathon, went for a run. Authorities claimed that she traveled along her...
mostra másAuthorities claimed that she traveled along her usual route close to the University of Memphis.
Around 4:20 in the morning, she was "abducted and forced into a mid-sized, dark-colored SUV" while running near Central Avenue. Police made an arrest and charged a man for Kidnapping Eliza and the search continues to find her. Where is Eliza Fletcher? Help if you have any information please call Crime Stoppers at 901-528-CASH.
Autor | Carrie Pasquarello I Centurion |
Organización | Carrie Pasquarello I Centurion |
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